Marvel Champions: Star Lord Hero Pack
Pudełko wymiary
9 x 11.5 x 2 cm
9 x 11.5 x 2 cm
Waga około
0.1 kg
Rekomendowane gry dla Ciebie
Fantasy Flight Games
dodatek do gry (Expansion for Base-game)
gra karciana (Card Game)
kolekcjonerska (Collectible Components)
komiks (Comic Book / Strip)
Ocena na BGG
8.02/10 na 729 głosy
Nazwa oryginalna
Marvel Champions: The Card Game – Star-Lord Hero Pack
kooperacja (Cooperative Game)
zarządzanie ręką (Hand Management)
wariant solo (Solo / Solitaire Game)
różne zdolności graczy (Variable Player Powers)
od 14 lat
Liczba graczy
od 1 do 4 osób
Czas gry
od 45 do 60 min.
Rok premiery
Rok wydania
Michael Boggs
Nazwa oryginalna
Marvel Champions: The Card Game – Star-Lord Hero Pack
Ocena na BGG
Poziom trudności
3.00 na 5
Pudełko zawiera
* 40 kart
Jest to dodatek do serii Marvel Champions


Hi. We're the Guardians of the Galaxy. I think we can help.

- Star-Lord, Avengers Assemble, Vol. 2

Though he was born on Earth, Peter Quill’s life has been spent among the stars, jumping from planet to planet. Now, under the mantle of Star-Lord, he protects our world from countless alien dangers while leading a team of superheroes - the Guardians of the Galaxy!

Lead the Guardians of the Galaxy into battle against the villain in the Star-Lord Hero Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game, which introduces Star-Lord as a brand-new playable hero, along with his fifteen signature cards. Fittingly, Star-Lord uses the Leadership sphere, and you’ll find a full assortment of new Leadership cards, as well as plenty of cards that reward you for uniting the Guardians of the Galaxy. With the new Guardian synergies unlocked, and a new player card for every sphere that rewards you for using the Aerial trait, you won’t want to let the Star-Lord Hero Pack fly past you.

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Data Publikacji 2021-03-16 14:43:31