Marvel Champions: Captain America Hero Pack
Pudełko wymiary
9 x 11.5 x 2.5 cm
9 x 11.5 x 2.5 cm
Waga około
0.1 kg
Rekomendowane gry dla Ciebie
Fantasy Flight Games
dodatek do gry (Expansion for Base-game)
gra karciana (Card Game)
komiks (Comic Book / Strip)
Ocena na BGG
8.44/10 na 2024 głosy
Nazwa oryginalna
Marvel Champions: The Card Game – Captain America Hero Pack
kooperacja (Cooperative Game)
--------- (Deck Construction)
zarządzanie ręką (Hand Management)
wariant solo (Solo / Solitaire Game)
różne zdolności graczy (Variable Player Powers)
--------- (Variable Set-up)
od 14 lat
Liczba graczy
od 1 do 4 osób
Czas gry
od 60 do 60 min.
Rok premiery
Rok wydania
Caleb Grace
Nazwa oryginalna
Marvel Champions: The Card Game – Captain America Hero Pack
Ocena na BGG
Poziom trudności
2.38 na 5
Pudełko zawiera
* karty
Jest to dodatek do serii Marvel Champions


On Olympus, we measure wisdom against Athena, speed against Hermes, power against Zeus. But we measure courage against Captain America.

- Hercules, Captain America #444

When Steve Rogers was deemed too frail to enlist during World War II, he took part in a secret government program to transform him into the world’s first Super-Soldier. With the help of a revolutionary serum, Rogers emerged from the experiment as the embodiment of physical perfection.

Now in peak condition, Rogers served as a special operative and a bastion of freedom in World War II until an accident near the end of the war submerged him in ice for decades. Discovered by the Avengers in the modern era, Captain America continues to fight for the American Dream. A man out of time, but never out of courage.

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Data Publikacji 2019-12-31 12:03:48