Cash `n Guns (second edition)
Pudełko wymiary
27 x 27 x 5 cm
27 x 27 x 5 cm
Waga około
1 kg
Rekomendowane gry dla Ciebie
Repos Production
blef (Bluffing)
walka (Fighting)
humorystyczna (Humor)
mafia (Mafia)
negocjacyjna (Negotiation)
imprezowa (Party Game)
Pozycja na BGG
Ocena na BGG
6.82/10 na 15627 głosy
Nazwa oryginalna
Ca$h 'n Guns: Second Edition
dociąganie kart (Open Drafting)
eliminacja graczy (Player Elimination)
symultaniczny wybór (Simultaneous Action Selection)
wzajemne zniszczenie (Take That)
różne zdolności graczy (Variable Player Powers)
od 10 lat
Liczba graczy
od 4 do 8 osób
Czas gry
od 30 do 40 min.
Rok premiery
Rok wydania
Ludovic Maublanc


Bandyci kłócą się o podział łupów - czas by przemówiły kule !

W opuszczonym magazynie gangsterzy dzielą łupy z ostatniego napadu... jednak nie mogą dogadać się co do tego, kto ile dostanie, więc niech przemówią pistolety! Każdy mierzy do każdego, świszczą kule a co bardziej tchórzliwi chowają się pod stołem. Ten, kto wyjdzie z tego najbogatszy (i żywy!) wygrywa grę. 

CA$H’n GUN$ przypomina najlepsze sceny z ulubionych filmów o gangsterach i mafii. Blef i twarde negocjacje - gwarantowane. Zabójcza zabawa!

In an abandoned warehouse a gangster band is splitting its loot, but they can't agree on the split! It's time to let the guns talk and soon everyone is aiming at everyone. The richest surviving gangster wins the game!

Ca$h 'n Guns helps you relive the best scenes of your favorite gangster movies. The goal is to have the more money than anyone else after eight rounds while still being alive.

Each round, one player is the Boss, and he controls the pace of play. First, loot cards are revealed on the table to show what's up for grabs. Next, players load their guns by secretly selecting either a "Bang!" or a "Click! Click!" card from their hand. The Boss counts to three, and on "Three" each player points his foam gun at someone else; due to his status, the Boss can tell one player who's pointing a gun at him that he needs to point it in another direction. After a pause to observe threats and measure the seriousness in an opponent's eyes, the Boss counts to three again and anyone who doesn't want to risk getting shot can chicken out and remove themselves from the round.

Everyone who's pointing a gun at someone still in the round now reveals their card, and anyone who's the target of a "Bang!" takes a wound marker and gets none of the available loot. Starting with the Boss, everyone still in the round takes one loot card at a time from the table — money, diamonds, paintings, the position of Boss, medical care (to remove a wound), or a new bullet (to add a "Bang!" card to your hand) — until everything has been claimed.

After eight rounds, the game ends. Whoever has the most diamonds receives a big bonus, and paintings score based on the number of them that you've collected. Whoever has the most valuable stash wins!

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Data Publikacji 2014-11-15 12:38:42
Ca$h 'n Gun$ (Cash and Guns)